Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thailand - Snakes On A Mother F**king Bike!

Hello all!

A quick post for you here. Today's motiff? Snakes.

Been to many temples along the way over since Indonesia. Many temples. But I've never really seen any with such detailed creatures guarding the steps and entrances to these sacred buildings. I haven't seen such a thing at all really. Looking over these pictures once again as I upload then for you here brought on memories of my Aztec ancestors. Not of Thailand. A sort of socio-cultural homoplasy? Perhaps. 

You'll do well to remember the great Chitchenitza temple in modern day Mexico. The Aztec architects of this "new world" had such a deep understanding for the position of the Sun and planets that the temple (never "pyramid," please. That term is reserved for the ancient Egyptian creations. New world stepping platforms, you'll notice, are not pointed at the top) they built in the middle of their jungle for the great feathered serpent  Quetzalcoatl casts a very important shadow. Once a year, the stairs leading up to their sacred temple create a dark showdow in the image of a large snake making its way up to the top platform. 

Here in Thailand it's not my understanding that any such rare shadow occurs. Rather, these serpents can be admired everyday. And I do.

And I do wonder; the temple we stayed at, guarded by these moderately large snake icons, surely was not void of geographical importance. Watching the sunset that night...I tell ya, there was something magical in being here. Take a look.

That being said, maybe Nature was telling us not to become so easily comfortable. 

That night, after dark, after doing some personal writing, I turned around in my tent and noticed this visitor just outside. He wasn't moving, I didn't dare either. I called out to Raj, wondering if he might still be awake. He was, and just then the snake began to move on. Though, not before a quick couple of snap shots. 

I tell ya, I've never double and tripple checked my zippers close like I did that night. It was, after everything, a hard night's rest.

The visitor.

And so now there is a short amount of time left. What can I say? I will be in a new home soon.


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