Welcome back.
So it's been about a month since I've arrived in Tosa City (you have to say Tosa City around here because "Tosa" is also the name of the old prefecture, which is now Kochi prefecture. There is also Kochi City, which is the capital here and a mere 15km away from where I live). And I really love it. Besides the one or two pesky, skilled mosquitos who somehow manage to infiltrate my residence, the air here is always crisp, the green countryside is a most welcoming view to be had at any time of the day and at any day of the year, and the life here can be as slow or as fast as you'd like to live it. Tosa City is the middle bear of comfort; with papa bear's energetic capital city to to the East, and mama bear's unplugged beaches to the South, I've lucked out once again and found myself right in the middle of perfection.
There we are. Tosa city is protected on three sides by mountains, just like my old neighborhood back home. I had to climb a steep hill for this photo and I was happy to. It's one of many viewpoints made available to the brave. Not many people come up here, I don't know why.
Another viewpoint. This one is towards the South where a small strip of mountains divide this natural lake from the ocean further off into the distance. It is, as you may imagine, a wonderful place to swim on hot days.
Not into lakes? Take a walk to the beach, a short 5km away. Like the tip top of mountain peaked viewpoints, you won't find many people here (for another reason I suppose). Tanned skin is just not sexy in this part of the world. Doesn't matter to me, I love soaking up sun even if it comes at the cost of strangers giving me the occational confused eye.
How official? Official official. What took four months in Thailand was approved in a few weeks in Japan. STATUS: Instructor. What's nice about this set up is that even if I change companies, it don't have to reapply for a new visa - because my card is issued by category of work, not by employer sponsorship. Not that I plan on leaving or changing, no. The status let's me do other things as an instructor, like volunteer, teach on the side, or even lecture on a subject other than English, which I love.
My job is essentially working five different schools at a combined hour to four hours a day. Sometimes all in one school, sometimes I have to commute but I'm ok with that since I'm on salary and that means, in my eyes, I get paid to ride my bike between towns.
I've been teaching kids from kindergarten to grade 8, and the best ones are definitely the younger ones. I'll even hangout after class if I can and be a kid again.
Love this picture. Do you think the board of education would allow this back home? No way. Is it fun? He'll yeah!
How famous is San Francisco? I'll put it to you like this. When people ask me where I'm from, I always get this response: "ohh! Excellent! I want to go there! (Or, 'I've been there!')." To put it another way, we ain't teaching about life in Los Angeles...
One of my favorite rides along the nearby mountain roads is this one. It's so steep that it looks like you'll fall off the side of a cliff as you approach it. I love it because just look at how well the road is maintained - and this is a small, going to nowhere special, out of the way, road.
It's all new to me. That's why I like to stop off at random places like this when I see them. It's a bunch of stairs to a small prayer site opening, overlooking the water.
Taking the good with the bad. Unfortunately, every. single. river. in Japan has been cemented off to more efficiently measure and control it's flooding and dry spells. And to that, there is always a nice paved road to cycle next to for as long as the river has water. So sure, the water flow is not as "natural" as it could be and the concrete cement does drag you down if you pay it too much attention. Despite all this, it's a please to ride and stop when you want for a dip. Not to mention, look on the right, it's not like Nature's been abolished.
Many roads have these open canals right by their homes where you can see fish and other creatures going around. It's not sewage, it's clear excess water being let into the streams and river.
My home does not have a canal in front of it, but I do have a flower shop. I know this will put a smile on my mother's face =) Well, this is it, my home on the third floor. Let me give you the tour.
The days start early in Japan and the screen door to my room faces East. I'm up at about 4:45 am with the Sun everyday. It's fine, I enjoy it and get so much done before my first class somewhere between 9:00 and 10:00 depending on the day. Also, I don't work all day, so I've incorporated mid day naps into my schedule - which are amazing! I highly recommend them to you.
The view from my balcony. Simple, and homey. There are some mountains to view on the left, otherwise it's all residential. I live on the main street, in the middle of town. What does that mean? It means I live on the only street with street lamps! Ah, well, it also means I live on the street where all the bars are. And, I am so not joking, these small town, elderly type folk can drink!
My only real complaint is the small kitchen. I had to buy all the counter space because when I arrived, the only counter was being used by the stove...next to the sink. Anyways, could be worse, could live in New York.
I knew I hit the jackpot when I started noticing a continuous supply of broccoli at my grocers. Now I cook it almost every day!
What would rural Japan life be to an American if I couldn't make banana pancakes on slow Sunday mornings?
Nothing for nothing, there is still plenty of new food to taste. Here we have a sweet rice stuffed squid. Squint all you want, I are the whole thing and it was good.
Ever had the fantasy of living out in a cabin forest with no electricity for a few days with no one to bother you?Wonder about what you'd do with all the free time? Wonder what you might accomplish? Yeah me too. And I'm soon finding out.
Love you all! It's been fun here this last month. Made cycling friends, another American lives here now, and my Japanese is getting really good. I think I'll have it down by the end of the year.
Take care, do write, and let me know if you want anything from the land of the rising sun!
Ps. I have Instagram now? Seeing as how most people aren't using there real names, send me your Instagram handle so I can start following you. Find me at