Sunday, July 21, 2013

Malaysia - Heading North; Catching Up Through Malaysia

...yes, I see. Thank you banana split, thank you for your sweet wisdom. 

Now, back to reality.

It's been a while since my last posting and many events have occurred. We've moved out of Singapore, slept in more streets, accustomed to Muslim life durring the luner month of Ramadan, been rained on, been cheered on, made new friends, retuned our bikes, and crossed mountains that in hindsight I would not do again. 

And so I admit - I've been lazy about recording all my adventures for you here. I have therefore officially redubed Malaysia as Malay-zee. With no pressure of an expiring visa, with nothing but flat lands between us and Thailand, it's hard to stay motivated. Especially in concert of so much emerging third world convenience.

Motivation to continue writing did eventually come, like a muse, not when I called upon it but by surprise. It happened as we ate out for dinner at a local street market; she turned on her phone and in that instantaneous moment, I was back. It was quick, only a glimpse of flash. Phone unlocked, I happened to sneak a peek and noticed something unmistakable: the backdrop and title of her last Internet search before  opening a new page - it was my blogg homepage.

F**k. Yeah.

So here we go. We departed the modern, almost futuristic, realm of Singaporean skyscrapers clouded in haze and set our sights toward the North. 

I remember one night more clearly than others. Encroaching grass, overtaking weeds and vines, just enough trees to keep our tents and bikes hidden, we had come to live that night in an a forgotten Malaysian forest by the beach. Certainly a sketchy, rough, original camping experience. 

Feeling good after an immediate sleep but hungry to eat up breakfast (and more road), we moved North still to Mersing then West to Malacca (again). I can tell you straight, you are not missing much along the way. A few chance encounters with wild monkeys, a few cars and potholes to avoid, much more forest to ignore, I counted down the remaining km like a school kid counts down the minutes to recess. We had arrived (dazed in a daydream about killer cacti) in Malacca. 

The wall. The space behind the desk of the friendly cyclist's hostel Ringo's Foyer is decorated with the many touring travelers on bikes. Accordingly, there are many goals I have along this adventure to complete; getting my picture on the wall was one such strive. Check.

The Polaroid picture made legendary now hangs righteously among other photos on The Wall. 5760 total kilometers accomplished so far....

Yonker street. Think Fisherman's Warf on acid. 

Certain portions of the city are serenely lit up at night, causing a wondrous walk across a dark fantasy.

Ice cream!! Yes, those are black beans on the side - delicious!!

I've left out many a details along the way here; too many to mention in a way that I I could comfortably write and/or in a way I assume you would want to read. They are being recorded in my notes, fear not. You'll just have to ask me one day, about those things I did not/could not blog about.

Miss you all terribly. More pictures are coming.


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