Ah yes, Malacca, Malaysia's cultural capital city. It is Indonesian's Yogyakarta, San Francisco's Mission district. Parties, the best food, interesting people, public spaces, the entertainment underbelly to the region, it is the kind of place the locals go to break up the monotony.
Freshly blended coconut milkshakes with an extra scoop of vanilla ice cream ($0.80 for the curious)....
New food! I believe the first words out of my mouth after sampling this dish were "Wow, new flavors!!"...
Yes, Malacca welcomed us to new a home with much to see. For instance (apart from the Starbucks, KFC, and Pizza Hut restaurants that irritatingly convey the penetration of Western scope), you can take a walk in any direction and see...
The town river. Much more beautiful at night. You'll just have to experience it yourself one night. Till then, take my word for it. Just don't get too close to the bank, amphibious lizards dwell in these waters, some up to five feet in length.
Keep walking and you'll see these views from atop the only hill in town. The skyline here is not meant to be impressive, wait till Singapore for that.
The kitchen here - where I ironically did not spend much of my time eating. Food is just cheaper to eat out than to cook at home in these parts. I amcomplaining (a bit), because I love to bang a few pots together and whip up a meal. Or is it that I love to be in control? Lets say both...
The manager here at Ringos even has a collection of beach cruisers that he lends out to the guests. Here we all are, group riding to a family style dinner.
And here I am ready to kick some backgammon ass! I talk s**t but honestly, I've never played before and still took home the prize!

The time spent at Ringos is turning into another Black Hole. Comfy, a great influx of world characters, warm weather and plenty of cheep beer to loosen up the more tight mouthed, quiet types. A definite retirement location nomination.
That's all for now, were still moving South and only a few days away from Singapore. Love you all.
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