Saturday, March 22, 2014

Japan Day 2 - F**k Me, It's Cold

There's just no other way to explain my big swing in climate change. From 35° weather in Bangkok, to the current 3° out side the tent; Jesus H. Christ.

Forget changing time zones and jet lag - take a Valium and call me in the morning. Jet lag can't hold a candle to thrusting your senses from hot to cold, and staying cold. Sheesh, I can't remember the last time I shivered! Luckily my sister is on the moral garrison. She's been surviving Denver winters for eight years and has a plethora of tips on acclimating ones body to the cold. Glad to have her on the team.

Some type of ornamental cabbage lines the streets this morning after leaving Yasuke's house. I'm taking it as a good omen.

Here's the close up, kind of looks like broccoli.

Ah! And on day one, we spotted a castle! Sweet, huh? The moat is as impressive as the architecture.

Another shot of a second castle in the distance.

Brother and sister goofing off.

My sisters
Bianchi Volpe. Tons of km credited to this bike as well, she knows how to pack, and pack light.

Sister Gabi riding down a randomly selected street in West Osaka.

Dinner! Not as cheap as Thailand, that's no argument. However, the quality of food you get (heck, the cuts of meat alone) are worth more than the differnece in price! Simply delicious.

Yours truly. 

Well, day one of riding is in the books. We are camped out now, in a public park where camping is niether legal nor illegal. If you can keep your nerves as random people walking outside your tent speaking a language you don't understand, you'll do just fine. The world is not as scary as you think. 


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