I did some much needed laundry last night. These sort of inconveniences can really add up. The necessity of clean, or at least not sweat drenched, clothes puts a little snag in plans. Yesterday, as I waited for my clothes to dry, the sky began to fall. What to do? Allow my clothes the ten more minutes they needed to get dry and cycle another 5 km in the rain to my planned shelter location; or, grab the wet clothes and get my butt to shelter and figure things out later?
I bet on the former, at least I could always dry myself off and what not. I did have to, because by the time I made it to shelter the rain had really come. Amazing sometimes just how fast the weather can change, and how fast the rain can go from nothing to typhoon. Reminds me of island life, the rain on islands can happen at the drop of a hat.

Some kind of educational building I kept my bike under as I walked around and checked things out. The roof just only kept the water at bay, and when the wind came to help, I would get a little wet. This was not ideal, but better than staying out in the think of it all. And in the morning, my things were relatively dry, and I was happy that the morning air was not cold, although damp as a wet rag. Breathing felt like I was stuck in a greenhouse with both doors shut.
In the morning, I packed my things and just waited with a book. Not much else I really wanted to do. And even though I was all alone against this building, people still manage to find me and my colorful bike. A man walked over under an umbrella that was too small for him and said good morning.
He had slept in the parking lot the night before, and said that the rain had woken him up on many occasions through the night. I agreed, the rain was very loud last night. These conversations usually last about ten minutes, because time is money in Japan, as they say. Or maybe they get shy and feel they've exhausted their English vocabulary (even though I always try and answer in Japanese). But before he left, he gifted me a little breakfast, which was totally unexpected. He must have just made an early morning drive through run, and I was ever so thankful. Food on a morning which I could not move.
This photo was taken sometime around noon, and the rain just wouldn't stop. I got to make a call to my family around this time, and I had to put the international call on hold because the bags on my bike had been opened a bit to grab some equipment and I worried that water would splash in from the rain that seemed to be coming in sideways. You can see a man running toward the shelter a few others and I were lucky enough to find ourselves under.
I really got tricked on this one. The sign said "Avocado coffee" with a hand drawn picture of a cup of ice cream, a slice of avocado, and coffee being poured on top. More than curious, I ordered one immediately only to find that cup was extremely small, the avocado to be nothing more than a cookie, and what I thought was ice cream just a little foam. A shot of espresso covered the treat and was served. I did enjoy the dessert, the dish actually tasted alright. Just, not at all what I was expecting.

There was a little table inside where I ate my overpriced "avocado" coffee and did a little work. The list of small things to get down had grown quite large. So even on days that my legs get a rest, my mind and hands get a work out on the computer, updating this blog, calling friends, checking emails, throwing my thoughts down on paper, ordering presents, and so on.
But working on a computer all day is boring, is it not? I checked off a few more items off my list and decided to pack it in for the moment, and go take a nap next to the falling rain on a protected bench, and let the sound of falling drops guide me into an afternoon cat nap. For having rained the entire night, the day was not cold at all and I managed to in some good winks. I guess I needed it, not even the occasional splash of wet wind could break my sleep.
The time was somewhere around six in the PM when the rain finally let up. There were still droplets of water falling from the sky, but the rain had stopped. Now came the time to decide. Should I take a chance and ride in the dark, or wait until morning and get a really good start to the ferry boat.
One of the things about not doing anything all day is you have a lot of energy (although sometimes you don't know it). I had built up a restlessness over the day, and I took a chance, deciding to ride in the calming rain. At least, I thought, I could make a little progress. I think there is a little rest area down the way a bit.
Arranging my bags and items brought some attention to the staff who I had said hello to through out the day. My preparations worried them a little, and thought that I better not go. I told them that it sure was a risk, but one that I wanted to take. So, right before I throw on my gloves and adjusted my helmet to take off, the rest area boss came out and stopped me. He wanted to give me some dinner and talk a while. I can't say I wasn't hungry, and so we talked.
One of the things about not doing anything all day is you have a lot of energy (although sometimes you don't know it). I had built up a restlessness over the day, and I took a chance, deciding to ride in the calming rain. At least, I thought, I could make a little progress. I think there is a little rest area down the way a bit.
Arranging my bags and items brought some attention to the staff who I had said hello to through out the day. My preparations worried them a little, and thought that I better not go. I told them that it sure was a risk, but one that I wanted to take. So, right before I throw on my gloves and adjusted my helmet to take off, the rest area boss came out and stopped me. He wanted to give me some dinner and talk a while. I can't say I wasn't hungry, and so we talked.
At the end of the afternoon, when the sun and its light had disappeared for the time, and with a full belly, I made my way down the road. I am not sure how far I was able to cycle, it was at least out of the city limits because I had begun to climb and descend mountains. Along the way, I was resting a red light, when another cyclist caught my eye diagonally across the intersection. With the light changing to green, I put a little more attention into what I thought was a cyclists.
Freaking Japan. Why this doll figure was out in the middle of no where is one thing, why he looks so scary I could never tell you. If I was a child and saw this, I would have a hard time falling asleep. Heck, Im 29 and this guy still scared me.
I eventually did come to a place that seemed OK to camp. Nothing special, but there was cover. That is the most important thing when you are unsure of the weather. Sure, Google said the rain was over, but that night Google was wrong and I was ecstatic to have bet against them. I fell asleep with ease, knowing that I had made a little dent in the work I would have to do tomorrow. I am racing against the clock. There is a ferry boat leaving tomorrow at 7pm and I don't even have a ticket. I guess you could say I am making another bet, I'm betting that I will make the ferry and there will be a ticket for me. Find out soon if my luck runs out.
Much love,
Freaking Japan. Why this doll figure was out in the middle of no where is one thing, why he looks so scary I could never tell you. If I was a child and saw this, I would have a hard time falling asleep. Heck, Im 29 and this guy still scared me.
I eventually did come to a place that seemed OK to camp. Nothing special, but there was cover. That is the most important thing when you are unsure of the weather. Sure, Google said the rain was over, but that night Google was wrong and I was ecstatic to have bet against them. I fell asleep with ease, knowing that I had made a little dent in the work I would have to do tomorrow. I am racing against the clock. There is a ferry boat leaving tomorrow at 7pm and I don't even have a ticket. I guess you could say I am making another bet, I'm betting that I will make the ferry and there will be a ticket for me. Find out soon if my luck runs out.
Much love,
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