Friday, April 11, 2014

Japan Day 22 - Ride On Ride On

Another camping sight done well, despite the wild noisy geese.

The morning brought with it it's regular rutine of getting dressed, folding up sleeping mats and the tent, preparing breakfast, and heading in the general direction towards the city we set our sights on. In this instance, that city is Takamatsu. 

Takamatsu is impressive, and that we are here I enjoy it more for the unexpected hidden city life the city has conceived. Tall buildings and bus terminals lay adjacent to castle ruins and heritage sights. Yet, that is not why we came. We came for the pier.

You see, it is my sisters thirtieth birthday tomorrow, April the 12th, and although this five week trip with her is exciting and soecial, I can't help but to feel like something specifically memorable be carried out tomorrow. Hence, the pier.

We will catch a boad early in the morning to Naoshima, dubbed "the artists island." Interspersed with museums and outdoor art of different methods and movements, the island is something I know she'll enjoy. Yet, that is tomorrow. Today, we ride.

Not many pictures today; only a meger four, and not very good ones at that. Tomorrow will be just the opposite.

Some people believe in coincidences. I do not. How did these flowers get in my shoes so perfectly? I did not place them there. 

Late lunch for the day. I figured we were done riding, so why not a little cheese? 

Sister in front of a pachinko house.

Big sis staring at the bikes.

I shouldn't have had that second cup of coffee. As it is, I should be sleeping. Have to wake up in some hours to enjoy the complementary free breakfast and board that ferry to Naoshima. I'll try and grab some sleep. Rest well my friends.

Much love,

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